Experience endless possibilities. From customer experience to supply chain management to order fulfilment.

Using RFID technology, retailers can automate their fulfilment and customize the customer journey.
From Smart Mirrors and Interactive Shelves, to Micro Fulfilment Centres and Automated Stocktaking, position yourself as a market innovator and redefine the retail space.
From stores to warehouse spaces, get ahead of the competition and become future-proof.

Inventory Management

With detection speeds of up to 600 scans per second, total inventory can be done multiple times a day to identify sell-through rates and customer activity rates in an area.

Eliminate over and understocks and forecast inventory without the guesswork.


Studies show that unmanned counters increase sales by up to 20%.

Capture payments & automatically deactivate paid items without human intervention.

Concealed Security

Never compromise design for security.

Unobtrusively identify any would-be thieves, while taking snapshots of the suspects.

Smart Fitting Room

See how the clothes you bring in fit you with the Smart Mirror.

The Smart Fitting Room can also suggest different designs and sizes, while scanning for available inventory.

The 'call attendant' feature means automatically having chosen items brought directly to clients.

Interactive Shelves

Real time shelf inventory, locator, and detection of items. Detects customer interactions, misplaced items, and over/understocks.

Micro Fulfillment Centres

Fulfil orders from any branch instead of a distribution centre.

Streamline order fulfilment and save on logistics costs.

Automated Inventory Robotics

Replacing human workers, our robots will take inventory automatically in-store or warehouse, can obtain location of items, and automatically update your inventory database, without human input.

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